Upskilling our Animal Heroes

How do we upskill our ‘Animal Heroes’?

At The Belforte Trust we realise that smaller charities and organisations often struggle with paying for training, consultancy or mentoring to help your organisations grow, solve problems, or fundraise. Most bigger animal organisations have large budgets with teams of people to support them in these areas, and budget for training, courses and more. For smaller charities and organisations it is much harder to justify spending money on these things, if money is available, and it is therefore much harder to develop if access to this training and support is out of reach. As ‘Animal Heroes’ we know you deserve the same support.

How can the Belforte Trust help you?

In addition to our Grant Scheme we are now running training and mentoring/consultancy for eligible organisations in strategy, problem solving, organisational growth, PR/Media and fundraising - completely free of charge!

What is our mentoring scheme?

Our mentoring scheme connects you with an experienced animal welfare charity professional for a set number of days/hours of 1-2-1 consultancy/mentoring to offer support and guidance in the areas mentioned in the section above. Our only requirements are commitment to be open and honest about your current situation - what is working well and what isn’t, what you would like to achieve from the sessions, be open to new ideas, to listen to advice given, to work together on solutions to issues, not focusing on barriers, and a willingness and desire to improve your organisation and help more animals.

What are our training sessions?

Our training scheme is a group training session for one or more members of your team, focusing on individual topics, which include:

  • PR and Media - how to get the most, and best quality, free publicity for your work - including top tips for media interviews

  • Fundraising - maximising income via fundraising

  • Charity 101 - top tips to maximise success in what you do, focusing on common themes faced by small animal organisations

These training sessions will involve attendees from different organisations at the same time at venues central to key regions in the UK. They will be held in the evenings, recognising that many animal volunteers work during the day.

Who is eligible to apply for support as part of the Upskilling Programme?

Core eligibility criteria for both schemes is the same as for that of our Grant scheme - you can find that here.

For training, places are limited to capacity of the venue and allocated on a first come first served basis, subject to acceptance. For mentoring, applications will be considered on a case by case basis. You can apply for either or both here.