The Animals We Help

Whilst our charitable objects do allow us to help all animals to live better lives, to better reflect the wishes of our kind founder, our priority areas are to enhance the lives of and to protect the following species:

  • Cats (Felis catus)

  • Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)

  • Other domestic pets:

    • Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus)

    • Small rodents (including guinea pigs, hamsters etc)

  • British wildlife:

    • Including, but not exhaustive to, native British animals such as birds, deer, squirrels, rodents, badgers, reptiles, and other mammals

Our work excludes birds (kept as pets), fish and amphibians (kept as pets) and so-called exotic pets which we do not feel should be kept as pets, unless their support directly relates to issues caused as a result of abandonment.