The Belforte Trust Grants for Animals - Reporting Criteria

What are the reporting criteria for our grants?

You will be required to update The Belforte Trust with the results and impact of the grant money received. This must be within 6 months of payment of the grant and must be on the reporting form which will be sent following receipt of the grant payment.

As a small organisation awarding to small organisations, we are conscious to not over burden grant recipients with large reporting criteria and the form should not take long to complete, but we do have a duty of care for our funds.

Failure to complete the reporting form in the given timescale may result in clawback of the grant, and will result in exclusion from future grants and grant applications.

The reporting form will ask the following questions:

  • What did you spend the grant on?

    • Please provide detailed overview of what the money was used for - this should reflect the application.

  • Where you able to use the money as planned?

    • If not, why not?

  • What was the impact of the grant on the animals you helped?

    • Was this as planned, more than planned, or less than planned - please explain why.

  • Was the project delivered successfully?

    • If not, why not?

  • What were your key learnings from this project and what would you do differently if you knew these in advance?

  • How many animals per year do you estimate the grant money received has helped (please provide overview calculations of this number)?

  • Please provide images of your work, project or purchases relating to the grant expenditure.